Marriage contracts are a legal document, which can be executed before or after the marriage, and which must always be formalised in a public deed, the purpose of which is to regulate the financial regime of the marriage.
In Spain, there are different matrimonial property regimes. The main ones are the separation of property regime (régimen de separación de bienes), joint ownership of acquisitions (régimen de gananciales) y participation regime (régimen de participación en las ganancias)
In cases where no public deed has been granted, the regime of the corresponding Autonomous Community shall apply.
These agreements can be made by all persons who have the capacity to enter into contracts, or the
capacity to act and will be valid during the marriage and at the moment when the marriage bond is broken or extinguished (in cases of divorce, separation, annulment, or death), when they become particularly relevant.
If one of the partners is a foreigner (foreign element), it is very important that marriage contracts are drawn up in which, in addition to the matrimonial property regime, factors such as the law applicable in the event of divorce and, if applicable, the courts competent to hear the divorce are regulated.