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International Family Law

International family law is a set of specific rules created to provide a legal response to family law issues where there is a relevant foreign element in the relationship.

Thus, international family law is used when one of the parties is a foreigner, or one or both of them reside rabroad, or the assets in dispute are abroad, or the validity of acts concluded abroad is at

International family law raises very complex questions of competent courts, the national law to be applied, the effectiveness in Spain of acts concluded abroad and of foreign acts in Spain (exequatur), among many other specific questions. These are all specific questions of international family law.
These specific issues make the presence of international family lawyers advisable to accompany clients.

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International Family Law

International Family Law Lawyers

Private law proceedings in general and family law proceedings in particular can have significant levels of technical difficulty that can only be resolved by specialised lawyers.

The first difficulty that arises in international family proceedings is related to international jurisdiction.

This matter is regulated by rules of a very different legal nature such as European Union regulations, international conventions or domestic rules. Depending on the specific subject matter and other elements such as the residence or nationality of the parties, the location of the assets, etc., different rules apply. The purpose of this very special law is to indicate the correct place to bring the action.

The second major question that we specialist lawyers are obliged to address in international law proceedings in general, and international family law proceedings in particular, is the law applicable to the case in dispute. In international law situations, different laws come into play, such as the law of the nationality of the parties, the law of their residence, the law of the location of the assets. The rules of conflict will indicate which of all the legal systems involved is the applicable one.

In these international law proceedings, issues of enormous complexity may arise; for example, it may be the case that two lawsuits are brought before courts of different countries. In such cases, special rules governing international lis pendens will have to be applied.

International law proceedings can become very complicated if the parties raise issues of incompetence or if the judge declares himself incompetent ex officio.

The effectiveness of Spanish judgments abroad or of foreign judgments in Spain is another issue of relevant technical complexity that requires a great deal of specialisation and specific knowledge of the matter.

International family law

International Family Law Services

 Our law firm is specialised in international family law, which is why we offer all services related to international family law that are provided by lawyers who are truly specialised in this area.

In this office we deal with issues such as marriages with a foreign element, agreements and marriage contracts so that they can be effective outside Spain, international divorce, parental authority, custody, visitations and protection of minors, liquidation of assets after the break-up or death, international successions, filiation matters with a foreign element, effectiveness of international adoptions, child abduction, recognition or exequatur of family judgements.

International Adoption

Adoption is a measure for the protection of minors, whereby a minor who has been abandoned or whose parentage is unknown, is fully integrated into a foreign family, establishing full legal ties.

Mixed marriages

 Mixed marriages are those in which one or both parties are foreigners or one of the parties resides abroad. They can be celebrated in Spain or abroad.

International legacies

 Our lawyers specialise in international succession of national or foreign individuals with assets in Spain or abroad. Our Madrid office assists families both judicially and extrajudicially.


The “kafala” is a welfare system of child protection that exists in Islamic countries and can be agreed upon by family members or established for abandoned children.

International maintenance claims

The international claim for maintenance is usually linked to a judicial procedure of matrimonial crisis. It is also common to modify in Spain maintenance judgments handed down abroad.

International Filiation Proceedings

In our firm, the lawyer handles both international filiation claims and claims seeking to challenge filiation (sometimes simultaneously) between persons of different nationalities or domiciles.

International Divorce

International divorce, by mutual consent or judicial divorce, has peculiarities, such as knowing which courts have jurisdiction to file the lawsuit or the applicable law if there are several laws applicable to the case.

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Foreign judgments that have been handed down in another country need to be recognised in order to produce effects in Spain, sometimes the recognition has to be judicial. International effectiveness is the desired outcome.

International child abduction

International child abduction occurs when a parent takes a child  out of Spain to another country or retains the child in that country, without proper consent.

International visitation arrangements

It is a child’s right to be in contact with both parents even if there is a divorce between them.  International visitation arrangements make visiting in the case of international travel complicated.

Surrogate motherhood

Technological development has led to the emergence of assisted reproductive techniques such as surrogacy, the effectiveness of which has significant family problems due to difficulties in its international recognition.

Foreigners (Immigration)

The immigration formalities and procedures are resolved by the specialist lawyers of our firm, who  help to guarantee your rights both in Spain and at EU and international level.

Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

In our office we take care of the recognition and  enforcement of foreign judgments with our lawyers specialised in these complex procedures in international family law.

Registered Partnerships and de facto Partnerships

Unmarried couples  with different nationality or residence have rights that can be enforced at an international level. lConsult our lawyers specialised in family law about your specific situation

International Matrimonial Property Regime

A very important issue in international family law is the liquidation of the matrimonial property

Regime, which usually occurs in cases of international divorce or international succession.

International family law

Lawyers specialised in international family law in Madrid

In our law firm located in Madrid we offer a service by lawyers specialised in international family law.

The city of Madrid is home to a large number of foreigners, which means that the number of international proceedings are very high. Madrid is also a host centre for foreign students residing in our   country and for foreign companies that transfer a large number of workers. These movements facilitate an increase in human relations between people of different nationalities and residences, who often end up creating family ties and relationships.

But not only Madrid, but Spain as a whole, is a country that receives foreigners at all levels: work travel, tourism, student and cultural exchanges, investments or residence of many foreigners, especially from Northern Europe.

For this reason, Spain, as a country of reception of foreigners and international relations, has a great deal of experience in managing the needs of international families.

Our international family lawyers are prepared to resolve all international family issues that may arise within or outside our borders, such as international divorce, child protection in the international context, international child abductions, international filiation applications, international inheritance and any other type of private problems that may arise.

This international family law firm has been operating for more than 30 years with professionals of recognised prestige. Our lawyers offer a particular and absolutely individual service to each of their clients. The field of international family law is technically and factually very difficult, which is why the specialisation of the lawyers is absolutely necessary in order to successfully address the problems of the clients.