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Can there be three biological parents instead of two?

Can there be three biological parents instead of two?

Escrito por: Winkels | 28 de January de 2017

We all have expressions like these in mind: “You’ve only got one mother” and “mater seper certa est” [the mother is always certain], but with...

Maintenance debtor living abroad does not pay allowance for my son, what can I do?

Maintenance debtor living abroad does not pay allowance for my son, what can I do?

Escrito por: Winkels | 18 de April de 2016

At times, maintenance debtors living abroad do not fulfil their obligations with creditors (generally minors) based in Spain. If an individual finds himself/herself in this...

Surrogacy: an unresolved matter

Surrogacy: an unresolved matter

Escrito por: Winkels | 3 de April de 2016

The parliamentary group Ciudadanos recently presented a non-legislative motion on surrogacy in the Madrid Assembly with which it opened, or rather, revived an issue that...

Does the custodial parent have the right to unilaterally amend the minor’s residence abroad?

Does the custodial parent have the right to unilaterally amend the minor’s residence abroad?

Escrito por: Winkels | 20 de March de 2016

The number of cross-border marriage cases in Spain has seen an increase in recent years, not only in the European framework, but also worldwide. If...

The requirement of finality in the exequatur of foreign judgements

The requirement of finality in the exequatur of foreign judgements

Escrito por: Winkels | 14 de February de 2016

For the purpose of being recognised in Spain, foreign judgements must fulfil a set of requirements that vary depending on the applicable legal framework. The most...

Is lis alibi pendens applicable with foreign states?

Is lis alibi pendens applicable with foreign states?

Escrito por: Winkels | 31 de January de 2016

Is it possible to suspend proceedings being heard by a Spanish court because there is another court hearing a different case between the same parties,...

The Bar Association of Madrid draws up a decalogue of preventive recommendations for future family conflicts

The Bar Association of Madrid draws up a decalogue of preventive recommendations for future family conflicts

Escrito por: Winkels | 19 de January de 2016

The decalogue may be compared to a gem or a ruby in terms of its value for individuals who are to embark on a life...

The recognition of cross-border surrogacy in Europe: an open question

The recognition of cross-border surrogacy in Europe: an open question

Escrito por: Winkels | 4 de September de 2015

I. Cross-border surrogacy concept and legal problems. II. European States practices 1.- An overview of European States regulations and solutions 2.- The case of Spain:...

Substitute gestation

Substitute gestation

Escrito por: Winkels | 29 de June de 2015

Surrogate motherhood is a fairly unknown current trend. There are many people in Europe who wish to have children but due to various circumstances are...